Jacob Öberg, Valsamis Mitsilegas, Karine Caunes
págs. 350-355
págs. 356-367
Nicholas Franssen, Anne Weyembergh
págs. 368-377
The emerging role of the EU as a primary normative actor in the EU Area of Criminal Justice
Irene Wieczorek
págs. 378-407
Normative justifications of EU criminal law: European public goods and transnational interests
Jacob Öberg
págs. 408-425
Jannemieke Ouwerkerk
págs. 426-440
Pedro Caeiro
págs. 441-462
Principles of EU criminalisation and their varied normative strength: Harm and effectiveness
Nina Peršak
págs. 463-476
Leandro Mancano
págs. 477-501
Elspeth Guild, Valsamis Mitsilegas
págs. 502-504