Linking brand and competitive advantage: the mediating effect of positioning and market orientation
Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua, Catarina Santos
págs. 1-10
Art workers in Colombia: characteristics, symbolic consumption and social identity
Ruby Lorena Carrillo Barbosa, Alfredo Guzmán Rincón
págs. 11-17
Does good local governance improve subjective well-being?
Ana Cárcaba García , Rubén Arrondo García, Eduardo González Fidalgo
págs. 18-27
Virtual teams are here to stay: how personality traits, virtuality and leader gender impact trust in the leader and team commitment
Carlos Flavián Blanco , Miguel Guinalíu Blasco, Pau Jordán Blasco
págs. 28-38
Employee’s subjective-well-being and job discretion: designing gendered happy jobs
María Bastida Domínguez, Isabel Neira Gómez , Maricruz Lacalle Calderón
págs. 39-46
The entrepreneurial intention of university students: an environmental perspective
Virginia Barba Sánchez, María Mitre Aranda, Jesús Ángel del Brío González
págs. 47-56
Zooming into firms’ location, capabilities and innovation performance: does agglomeration foster incremental or radical innovation?
José Luis Hervás Oliver, Francisca Sempere Ripoll, Carles Boronat-Moll
págs. 57-64
Relationship CSR and employee commitment: mediating effects of internal motivation and trust
Halder Yandry Loor Zambrano, Luna Santos Roldán, Beatriz Palacios Florencio
págs. 65-75
Mission statements in universities: readability and performance
Julián D. Cortés, Liliana Rivera, Katerina Bohle Carbonelld
págs. 76-84
Consumer evaluation of food quality and the role of environmental cues: a comprehensive cross-country study
Dacinia Crina Petrescu, Iris Vermeir, Philippe Burny, Ruxandra Malina Petrescu Mag
págs. 85-100