págs. 317-352
Un modelo sofisticado de decisión electoral racional: El voto estratégico en México, 1997
Alejandro Poiré
págs. 353-382
Incertidumbre institucional e inferencias de imparcialidad: el caso del Instituto Federal Electoral
Andreas Schedler
págs. 383-421
págs. 425-442
págs. 445-480
Arend Lijphart, Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries
Antonio Ortiz Mena
Es reseña de:
Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries
Arend Lijphart
New Haven : Yale University Press, 1999
págs. 483-486
Andreas Schedler, Larry Diamond, The Self-Restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies
Xochitl Lara Becerra
Es reseña de:
The Self-Restraining State: Poiver and Accountability in New Democracies
Andreas Schedler (ed. lit.), Larry Diamond (ed. lit.), Marc F. Plattner (ed. lit.)
Boulder y Nueva York : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999
págs. 487-490
Eduardo Zimmermann, Judicial Institutions in Nineteenth Century Latin America
Gabriel L. Negretto
Es reseña de:
Judicial Institutions in Nineteenth Century Latín America
Eduardo Zimmermann (ed. lit.)
Londres : University of London, 1999
págs. 491-494
Anthony Gill, Rendering unto Caesar. The Catholic Church and the State in Latin America
Guillermo Trejo
Es reseña de:
Rendering unto Caesar. The Catholic Church and the State in Latín America
Anthony Gill
Chicago : The University of Chicado Press, 1998
págs. 495-499
Paul W. Drake y Matthew D. McCubbins, The Origins of Liberty: Political and Economic Liberalization in the Modern World
Eduardo Guerrero Gutiérrez
Es reseña de:
The Origins of Liberty: Political and Economic Liberalization in the Modern World
Paul W. Drake (ed. lit.), Matthew D. McCubbins (ed. lit.)
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1998
págs. 500-504
Robert Hazell, Constitutional Futures. A History of the Next Ten Years
Fernando F. Dworak
Es reseña de:
Constitutional Futures, A History of the Next Ten Years
Robert Hazell (ed. lit.)
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999
págs. 505-507
David A. Lake y Robert Powell, Strategic Choice and International Relations
Jorge A. Schiavon
Es reseña de:
Strategic Choice and International Relations
David A. Lake (ed. lit.), Robert Powell (ed. lit.)
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1999
págs. 508-511
J. Samuel Fitch, The Armed Forces and Democracy in Latin America
Alfredo González Reyes
Es reseña de:
The Armed Forces and Democracy in Latín America
J. Samuel Fitch
Baltimore y Londres : The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998
págs. 512-514
Norbert Elias, Los Alemanes, México, Instituto José María Luis Mora, 1999, 489p.
Rafael Rojas
Es reseña de:
Los alemanes
Norbert Elias
México : Instituto José María Luis mora, 1999
págs. 515-517
Rosario Aguilar
Es reseña de:
Las teorías de la justicia después de Rawls: un breve manual de filosofía política
Roberto Gargarella
Barcelona : Paidós Ibérica, 1999. ISBN 84-493-0722-8
págs. 518-520
Alain De Remes
Es reseña de:
New Federalism and State Governance in Mexico
Peter M. Ward, Victoria Rodríguez, Enrique Cabrero (col.)
Austin : LBJ School of Public Affairs, 1999
págs. 521-524
Claudio Jones Tamayo
Es reseña de:
The Paradox of Revolution. Labor; The State, and Authoritarianism in Mexico
Kevin Middlebrook
Baltimore y Londres : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995
págs. 525-527
Julio Ríos-Figueroa
Es reseña de:
The Chiapas Rebellion. The Struggle for Land and Democracy
Neil Harvey
Durham y London : Duke University Press, 1999
págs. 528-530