The effects of populism as a social identity frame on persuasion and mobilisation: Evidence from a 15‐country experiment
Linda Bos, Christian Schemer, Nicoleta Corbu, Michael Hameleers, Ioannis Andreadis, Anne Schulz, Desirée Schmuck, Carsten Reinemann, Nayla Fawzi
págs. 3-24
In pursuit of happiness: Life satisfaction drives political support
Peter Esaiasson, Stefan Dahlberg, Andrej Kokkonen
págs. 25-44
Errors have been made, others will be blamed: Issue engagement and blame shifting in prime minister speeches during the economic crisis in Europe
Denise Traber, Martijn Schoonvelde, Gijs Schumacher
págs. 45-67
The evolution of cleavage voting in four Western countries: Structural, behavioural or political dealignment?
Andreas C. Goldberg
págs. 68-90
págs. 91-113
Is civic nationalism necessarily inclusive?: Conceptions of nationhood and anti‐Muslim attitudes in Europe
Kristina Bakkær Simonsen, Bart Bonikowski
págs. 114-136
Are minorities free riders?: Applying the social resistance framework to public goods production in Central‐Eastern Europe
Natalia Letki, Paula Kukolowicz
págs. 137-159
págs. 160-181
Do terrorist attacks feed populist Eurosceptics?: Evidence from two comparative quasi‐experiments
Erik Gahner Larsen, David Cutts, Matthew J. Goodwin
págs. 182-205
Local leaders and the distribution of central government funds: Evidence from 18 European democracies
Emanuel Emil Coman
págs. 206-225