Informal Politics, Formalised Law and the ‘Social Deficit’ of European Integration: Reflections after the Judgments of the ECJ inVikingandLaval
Christian Joerges, Florian Rödl
págs. 1-19
A European Legal Method?: On European Private Law and Scientific Method
Martijn Hesselink
págs. 20-45
Ironies in Human Rights Protection in the EU: Pre-Accession Conditionality and Post-Accession Conundrums
Anneli Albi
págs. 46-69
The European Arrest Warrant and the Sovereign State: A Marriage of Convenience?
Massimo Fichera
págs. 70-97
Legislative Policy, Law and Competitiveness: a Mysterious and Difficult Relationship in the EU
Irene Lynch-Fannon
págs. 98-120
A Preliminary Perspective of Negotiations of EU-China PCA: A New Bottle Carrying Old Wine or New Wine or Both?
Lingliang Zeng
págs. 121-141
Naissance du peuple européen - By Florence Chaltiel
Jan Klabbers
Es reseña de:
Naissance du peuple européen
Florence Chaltiel
Paris : Odile Jacob, 2006
págs. 142-144
Norbert Reich
Es reseña de:
Grundfreiheit ohne Markt. Die Herausbildung der Unionsbürgerschaft im unionsrechtlichen Freizügigkeitsregime
Ferdinand Wollenschläger
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2007
págs. 144-146
Judith Clifton , Daniel Díaz Fuentes
Es reseña de:
Les services d'intérêt économique général et l'Union européenne
Jean‐Victor Louis (coord.), Stéphane Rodrigues (coord.)
Brussels : Bruylant, 2006
Administrations publiques et services d'intérêt général: quelle européanisation?
Michel Mageot (coord.)
Maastricht : European Institute of Public Administration, 2005
págs. 147-149
The Law of Public and Utilities Procurement - By Sue Arrowsmith
Laurence W. Gormley
Es reseña de:
The Law of Public and Utilities Procurement
Sue Arrowsmith
London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2005
págs. 149-150