págs. 143-166
págs. 167-198
págs. 199-228
Frank Hertweck and Dimitrios Kisoudis (eds.): Solange das Imperium da ist. Carl Schmitt im Gespräch mit Klaus Figge und Dieter Groh 1971
Jürgen Backhaus
págs. 229-229
Pawel Chmielnicki: Activity rules of economic man in society as the source of legal norm
Jürgen Backhaus
págs. 231-231
Rudolf Richter, Erik G. Furubotn: Neue Institutionenökonomik
Jürgen Backhaus
págs. 233-233
Martha M. Roggenkamp, Edwin Woerdman (eds.): Legal design of carbon capture and storage, developments in the Netherlands from an international and EU perspective, energy and law, volume 10
Jürgen Backhaus
págs. 235-235