págs. 3-11
Working examples (WEx): A vehicle for building radical innovations to change education
Jolene Zywica, Anna Roberts, Drew Davidson
págs. 12-17
CrowdTeaching: Supporting teacher collective intelligence communities
Mimi M. Recker, Min Yuan, Lei Ye
págs. 18-23
Teaching, doing, and sharing project management in a studio environment
Daniel L. Randall, Jacquelyn C. Johnson, Richard E. West, David Wiley
págs. 24-28
Questioning needs assessment: Some limitations and positive alternatives
Wallace H. Hannum
págs. 29-33
págs. 34-38
Victor R. Lee
págs. 39-41
The little eLearn centre with a big impact
Terry Anderson
págs. 42-44
Educational technology research journals: Computers & education, 2002-2011
David D. Rackham, Frederick R. Hyatt, David C. Macfarlane, Tony Nisse, Wendy Woodfield, Richard E. West
págs. 45-49
Q & A with ed tech leaders: Interview with Susan McKenney
Susan M. Fulgham, Michael F. Shaughnessy
págs. 50-52
págs. 53-54
Elizabeth Boling
Es reseña de:
The design way: Intentional change in an unpredictable world
Harold G. Nelson, Erik Stolterman
Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2012
págs. 55-56
Peggy A. Ertmer
Es reseña de:
Designing problem-driven instruction with online social media
Kay Kyeong-Ju Seo, Debra A. Pellegrino, Chalee Engelhard
Charlotte : Information Age Publishing, 2011
págs. 56-58
Cleborne D. Maddux
Es reseña de:
Anytime anywhere: Student-centered learning for schools and teachers
Rebecca E. Wolfe, Adria Steinberg, Nancy Hoffman
Cambridge : Harvard Education Press, 2013
págs. 58-59
Educational technology points of inflection: What MOOCs, flipped classrooms, and OLPC teach us about individualization of learninq
Michael D. Bush
págs. 60-63
New issues, new answers: Future·cation: A new way to describe our goal
Marc Prensky
págs. 64-64