págs. 343-347
págs. 348-366
págs. 367-381
págs. 382-398
The legal consequences of sovereign insolvency: a review of creditor litigation in Germany following the Greek debt restructuring
Sebastian Grund
págs. 399-423
A tale of two approaches to Social Europe: The CJEU and the Advocate General drifting apart in Case C-201/15 AGET Iraklis Case C-201/15 AGET Iraklis, EU:C:2016:972
Konstantinos Alexandris Polomarkakis
págs. 424-437
At last! Reaching the remedy for delay after a long ride through the EU judicial system: Case T-577/14 Gascogne Sack Deutschland and Gascogne v. European Union, EU:T:2017:1
Michal Ovádek
págs. 438-447
Pure financial loss and international jurisdiction for tort under the Brussels I (Recast) Regulation: Case C-375/13 Harald Kolassa v. Barclays Bank plc, EU:C:2015:37 and Case C-12/15 Universal Music International Holding v. Michael Tétreault Schilling (and others), EU:C:2016:449
Johannes Ungerer
págs. 448-455