The Opportunity Cost of Negative Screening in Socially Responsible Investing.
Pieter Jan Trinks, Bert Scholtens
págs. 193-208
Zelong Wei, Hao Shen, Kevin Zheng Zhou, Julie Juan Li
págs. 209-223
Exploring the Relationship Between Board Characteristics and CSR: Empirical Evidence from Korea.
Young Kyun Chang, Won Yong Oh, Jee Hyun Park
págs. 225-242
págs. 243-262
CSR Performance and the Value of Cash Holdings: International Evidence.
Mohamed Arouri, Guillaume Pijourlet
págs. 263-284
Post-innovation CSR Performance and Firm Value.
Dev R. Mishra
págs. 285-306
págs. 307-321
Krittinee Nuttavuthisit, John Thogersen
págs. 323-337
págs. 339-351
págs. 353-367