Karina J. Lloyd, Diana Boer, Joshua W. Keller, Sven Voelpel
págs. 509-524
Rajesh Srivastava, Thomas Li-Ping Tang
págs. 525-542
Have Global Ethical Values Emerged in the Public Relations Industry?: evidence from National and International Professional Public Relations Associations
Maureen Taylor, Aimei Yang
págs. 543-555
The Just Price as the Price Obtainable in an Open Market.
Juan Manuel Elegido
págs. 557-572
págs. 573-583
The Association of Individual Spirituality on Employee Engagement: The Spirit at Work.
Richard A. Roof
págs. 585-599
Curtis Child
págs. 601-618
Validation of a Digital Work Simulation to Assess Machiavellianism and Compliant Behavior.
Lonneke Dubbelt, Janneke K. Oostrom, Annemarie M. F. Hiemstra
págs. 619-637
Developing a Framework for Ethical Leadership.
Alan Lawton, Iliana Páez Gabriunas
págs. 639-649
Sergio W. Carvalho, Etayankara Muralidharan, Hari Bapuji
págs. 651-663
Alienation, Police Stories, and Percival.
John T. Luhman, Andy F. Nazario
págs. 665-681
Compassion in the Context of Capitalistic Organizations: Evidence from the 2011 Brisbane Floods.
Ace Volkmann Simpson, Miguel Pina e Cunha, Arménio Rego
págs. 683-703
Them’s Fightin’ Words: The Effects of Violent Rhetoric on Ethical Decision Making in Business.
Joshua R. Gubler, Nathan P. Kalmoe, David A. Wood
págs. 705-716
Irina Cojuharenco, Francesco Sguera
págs. 717-725
Ethics, Values, and Organizational Justice: Individuals, Organizations, and Beyond.
Marshall Schminke, Anke Arnaud, Regina Taylor
págs. 727-736
Patsy Perry, Steve Wood, John Fernie
págs. 737-752