EUNAVFOR MED: fighting migrant smuggling under un Security Council resolution 2240 (2015)
Marco Gestri
págs. 19-54
Federico Lenzerini
págs. 55-83
Detention and expulsion of migrants: the Khlaifia v. Italy case
Maria Rosaria Mauro
págs. 85-107
Federico Casolari
págs. 109-134
págs. 135-158
págs. 159-178
págs. 179-200
Giulio Bartolini
págs. 201-225
Francesca Capone
págs. 227-250
The protection of private investors’ rights in recent international investment agreements
Stefano Silingardi
págs. 251-274
Leonardo Borlini
págs. 275-297
The Paris agreement on climate change: balancing “legal force” and “geographical scope”
Christine Bakker
págs. 299-309
In praise of sustainability: the encyclical letter laudato sì and its legal-economic implications
Massimiliano Montini, Francesca Volpe
págs. 311-324
págs. 325-362
págs. 363-387
International Criminal Justice (2015)
Carlo Focarelli
págs. 389-427
The wto dispute settlement system in 2015
Giorgio Sacerdoti
págs. 429-468
Eduardo Savarese
págs. 469-491