Political budget cycles and reelection prospects in Greece's municipalities.
G. Chortareas, V. Logothetis, A.A. Papandreou
págs. 1-13
Bribery environments and firm performance: Evidence from CEE countries.
J. Hanousek, A. Kochanova
págs. 14-28
Voter turnout and the size of government.
L. Aggeborn
págs. 29-40
págs. 41-56
Key drivers of EU budget allocation: Does power matter?
V. Zaporozhets, María Angeles García Valiñas, S. Kurz
págs. 57-70
Corruption and growth in Africa.
G. d'Agostino, J.P. Dunne, Luca Pieroni
págs. 71-88
To bid or not to bid: That is the question: Public procurement, project complexity and corruption.
Simona Baldi, Anna Botasso, Maurizio Conti, C. Piccardo
págs. 89-106
Measuring political information rents: Evidence from the European agricultural reform.
Hans Peter Grüner, Daniel Müller
págs. 107-126
A dirty deed done dirt cheap: reporting the blame of a national reform on local politicians.
Aurélie Cassette, Etienne Farvaque
págs. 127-144
The political economy of public investment when population is aging: A panel cointegration analysis.
P. Jäger, T. Schmidt
págs. 145-158
State history, historical legitimacy and modern ethnic diversity.
Michael Bleaney, A Dimico
págs. 159-170