págs. 272-277
págs. 278-307
Ernesto d'Albergo
págs. 308-338
págs. 339-357
págs. 358-386
Davide Caselli
págs. 387-413
Participation and Privatisation in Neoliberal Policies: The Case of Italian 'Piani di Zona'
Dario Colombo, Enrico Gargiulo
págs. 414-440
págs. 441-465
Liberalisation and Value Extraction. The Trajectory of Railways in the Neoliberal State
Angelo Salento, Giuseppe Pesare
págs. 466-494
Neoliberalization by Evaluation: Explaining the Making of Neoliberal Evaluative State
Diego Giannone
págs. 495-516
Laura Franceschetti
págs. 517-542
Neoliberalism and Control Strategies: the Urban Security Policies in Italy
Giuseppe Ricotta
págs. 543-566
Emanuele Leonardi, Michelangelo Secchi
págs. 567-595
Raffaele Iacovino
págs. 596-613
págs. 614-639
The Land of Fires. Evaluating a State Law to Restore the Narrative Power of Local Communities
Fabio Luchinni, Andrea Membretti
págs. 640-665
The Corporal Repertoire of Prison Protest in Spain and Latin America: The Political Language of Self-Mutilation by Common Prisoners
págs. 666-690
Constituting the Social Basis of the EU: Reflections from the European Margins
Tatjana Sekulic
págs. 691-716