The Role of Government Debt in Economic Growth
António Afonso, José Alves
págs. 9-26
Output Effects of a Measure of Tax Shocks Based on Changes in Legislation for Portugal
Manuel Coutinho Pereira, Lara Wemans
págs. 27-62
The Discretionary Fiscal Effort: An Assessment of Fiscal Policy and its Output Effect
Nicolas Carnot, Francisco de Castro Fernández
págs. 63-94
Spanish Public Debt Sustainability Analysis
Carlos Cuerpo Caballero, José Miguel Ramos
págs. 95-118
Spending Dynamics in Euro Area Countries: Composition and Determinants
Sebastian Hauptmeier, Antonio Jesús Sánchez Fuentes, Ludger Schuknecht
págs. 119-138
Thomas Warmedinger, Cristina Checherita-Westphal, Pablo Hernández de Cos
págs. 139-168