Big data in survey research: : AAPOR task force report
Lilli Japec, Frauke Kreuter, Marcus Berg, Paul Biemer, Paul Decker, Cliff Lampe, Julia Lane, Cathy O'Neil, Abe Usher
págs. 839-880
Issue-specific opinion changerm: : The Supreme Court and Health Care Reform
Dino P. Christenson, David M. Glick
págs. 881-905
Effects of sequential prepaid incentives and envelope messaging in mail surveys
Jennifer Dykema, Karen Jaques, Kristen Cyffka, Nadia Assad, Rae Ganci Hammers, Kelly Elder, Kristen C. Malecki, John Stevenson
págs. 906-931
Regulating disinformation: poll embargo and electoral coordination
Ignacio Lago Peñas , Marc Guinjoan Francisco, Sandra Bermúdez Torres
págs. 932-951
Comparing extreme response styles between agree-disagree and item-specific scales
Mingnan Liu, Sunghee Lee, Frederick G. Conrad
págs. 952-975
Using call-level interviewer observations to improve response propensity models
Jennifer Sinibaldi, Stephanie Eckman
págs. 976-993
Racial salience, viability, and the wilder effect: : Evaluating polling accuracy for black candidates
Christopher T. Stout, Reuben Kline
págs. 994-1014