EU Policy on preferential trade agreements in the 2000s: a reorientation towards commercial aims
Stephen Woolcock
págs. 718-732
The EU's Post-Lisbon free trade agreements: commercial interests in a changing constitutional context
Sieglinde Gstöhl, Dominik Hanf
págs. 733-748
Arnaud Van Waeyenberge, Peter Pecho
págs. 749-762
Allan Francis Tatham
págs. 763-778
Protecting human rights in the context of free trade?: The case of the SADC Group economic partnership agreement
Clair Gammage
págs. 779-792
EU South African Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement: Bane or Boon for Socio-Economic Rights under the South African Constitution?
Stefaan Smis, Stephen Kingah
págs. 793-810
Protection of fundamental rights in Latin American FTAs and MERCOSUR: an exploratory agenda
Marcílio Toscano Franca Filho, Lucas Lixinski, María Belén Olmos Giupponi
págs. 811-823
Constitutional aspects of FTAs: a colombian perspective
Liliana Lizarazo Rodríguez , Philippe de Lombaerde, Juan Felipe Ortiz Riomalo, Andrea Parra Santamaría, Angelika Rettberg
págs. 824-847
Some critical issues in the EU-India free trade agreement negotiations
Jan Wouters, Idesbald Goddeeris, Bregt Natens, Filip Ciortuz
págs. 848-869