Friendship, Courting, and Engagement: Pre-electoral Coalition Dynamics in Action
Flemming J. Christiansen, Rasmus L. Nielsen, Rasmus B. Pedersen
págs. 413-429
Timothy P. Nokken
págs. 430-450
págs. 451-472
Institutional Determinants of Legislative Turnover in the German State Parliaments: 1947-2012
Till Heinsohn
págs. 473-494
A Lasting Impact?: On the Legislative Activities of Immigrant-origin Parliamentarians in Germany
Andreas M. Wüst
págs. 495-515
págs. 516-541
págs. 542-572
Descriptive Representation and Political Trust: A Quasi-natural Experiment Utilising Ignorance
Philip Cowley
págs. 573-587
págs. 588-607