Funding sources and excess CEO compensation in not-for-profit organizations
Jennifer J. Gaver, S. Mary Im
págs. 1-16
Ananth Seetharaman, Xu (Frank) Wang, Sanjian (Bill) Zhang
págs. 17-37
Are capitalized software development costs informative about audit risk?
Gopal V. Krishnan, Changjiang (John) Wang
págs. 39-57
The global financial crisis: : U.S. bankruptcies and going-concern audit opinions
Marshall A. Geiger, K. Raghunandan, William Riccardi
págs. 59-75
The disclosure of Non-GAAP earnings following regulation G: : an analysis of transitory gains
Michael Baumker, Philip Biggs, Sarah E. McVay, Jeremy Pierce
págs. 77-92
págs. 93-123
College and university president pay and future performance
Linda M. Parsons, Austin L. Reitenga
págs. 125-142
Preparers' perceptions of the costs and benefits of IFRS: : evidence from Australia's implementation experience
Richard D. Morris, Sidney J. Gray, Joanne Pickering, Sally Aisbitt
págs. 143-173
Financial reporting policy committee of the american accounting association's financial accounting and reporting section: : accounting standard setting for private companies
Mark Bradshaw, Daniel Bens, Carol Ann Frost, Elizabeth Gordon, Sarah McVay
págs. 175-192