Anatomy of a Split: the Liberal Democrats of Japan
Gary W. Cox, Frances Rosenbluth
págs. 355-376
The Impact of the Electoral System on Post-Communist Party Development: the Case of the 1993 Russian Parliamentary Elections
Robert G. Moser
págs. 377-398
Individual Vote Choices and Constituency Economic Conditions at the 1992 British General Election
Charles J. Pattie, E.A. Fieldhouse, R. J. Johnston
págs. 399-415
Incentives to Cultivate a Personal Vote: a Rank Ordering of Electoral Formulas
John M. Carey, Matthew Soberg Shugart
págs. 417-439
In the Absence of Vote Pooling: Nomination and Vote Allocation Errors in Colombia
Gary W. Cox, Matthew Soberg Shugart
págs. 441-460