What Voters Teach Us About Europe-Wide Elections: What Europe-Wide Elections Teach Us About Voters
Cees van der Eijk, Mark Franklin, Michael Marsh
págs. 149-166
Distinctiveness of Regional Voting: A Comparative Analysis Across the European Community (1979-1993)
Derek J. Hearl, Ian Budge, Bernard Pearson
págs. 167-182
Thatcher's Rise and Fall: An Institutional Analysis of the Tory Leadership Selection Process
Neal G. Jesse
págs. 183-202
A Case Study of Electoral Manipulation: The Mexican Laws of 1989 and 1994
págs. 203-217
Salient Issues in Taiwan's Electoral Politics
John Fuh-sheng Hsieh, Emerson M.S. Niou
págs. 219-235
Candidate Quality and the Congressional Vote: A Causal Connection?
Michael R. Kulisheck, Jeffery J. Mondak
págs. 237-253
Bernard Grofman, Andrew Reynolds
págs. 255-261
Question-Wording Effects on the Measurement of Nonpartisanship: Evidence from Australia
David Charnock
págs. 263-268