Strategic voting, party activity, and candidate effects: testing explanations for split voting in New Zealand's new mixed system
Jeffrey Karp, Jack Vowles, Susan Banducci, Todd Donovan
págs. 1-22
Do mixed electoral systems matter?: a cross-national analysis of their effects in Eastern Europe
Tatiana Kostadinova
págs. 23-34
The endogeneity problem in electoral studies: a critical re-examination of Duverger's mechanical effect
Kenneth Benoit
págs. 35-46
Minor parties and protest votes in Australia and New Zealand: locating populist politics
David Denemark, Shaun Bowler
págs. 47-67
Predicting the 1998 Indian parliamentary election
Rajeeva L. Karandikar, Clive Payne, Yogendra Yadav
págs. 69-89
Unemployment and economic voting
Simon Blount
págs. 91-100