J. Gregory Sidak
págs. 9-50
The Virtues of Presidential Government: Why Professor Ackerman is Wrong to Prefer the German to the U.S. Constitution
Steven G. Calabresi
págs. 51-104
The "Bermuda Triangle?": The Cert Pool and Its Influence Over the Supreme Court's Agenda
Barbara Palmer
págs. 105-120
David McGowan
págs. 121-175
Why the Eleventh Amendment Always Matters, Even When Transaction Costs are Zero: a Reply to Professor Farber
Neil S. Siegel
págs. 177-189
Controlling Precedent: Congressional Regulation of Judicial Decision-Making
Gary Lawson
págs. 191-229
Lawson's Awesome (Also Wrong, Some)
Michael Stokes Paulsen
págs. 231-241