How Does the Market Value Corporate Sustainability Performance?.
I. C. Lourenço, M. C. Branco, J. D. Curto, T. Eugénio
págs. 417-428
God and the Market: Adam Smith�s Invisible Hand.
Paul Oslington
págs. 429-438
C.-P. Lin, S.-W. Joe
págs. 439-449
Making Room for Smallholder Cooperatives in Tanzanian Tea Production: Can Fairtrade Do That?.
A. M. Loconto, E. F. Simbua
págs. 451-465
Doing Well While Doing Bad? CSR in Controversial Industry Sectors.
Y. Cai, Hoje Jo, C. Pan
págs. 467-480
Marja Lähdesmäki, T. Suutari
págs. 481-493
The Shareholder�Manager Relationship and Its Impact on the Likelihood of Firm Bribery.
D. Ramdani, Arjen Van Witteloostuijn
págs. 495-507
Moral Intensity, Issue Importance, and Ethical Reasoning in Operations Situations.
Sean Valentine, D. Hollingworth
págs. 509-523
The Impact of Paternalistic Leadership on Ethical Climate: The Moderating Role of Trust in Leader.
A. B. Ötken, T. Cenkci
págs. 525-536
Benevolent Leadership: Conceptualization and Construct Development.
Fahri Karakas, E. Sarigollu
págs. 537-553