Constitutional Adjudication in the Era of Globalization: The Netherlands in Comparative Perspective
Leonard F. M. Besselink
págs. 231-245
Surprise? Surprise! - Case C-115/09 ("Kohlekraftwerk Lünen"): A Victory for the Environment and a Loss for Procedural Autonomy of the Member States?
Eva Julia Lohse
págs. 249-268
págs. 269-282
págs. 285-304
Regions and Subsidiarity in the European Union: A Look at the Role of the Spanish and other Regional Parliaments in the Monitoring of Compliance with the Principle of Subsidiarity
Sergio Alonso de León
págs. 305-321
The 1921 Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Georgia: Looking Back after Ninety Years
George Papuashvili
págs. 323-349
Between Democracy and Nationality: Citizenship Policies in the Lisbon Ruling
Patricia Mindus, Marco Goldoni
págs. 351-371
Possible Developments of Article 298 TFEU: Towards an Open, Efficient and Independent European Administration
págs. 373-397