Private sector services: challenges to European trade unions
Jon Erik Dolvik, Jeremy Waddington
págs. 356-376
págs. 377-391
Service economies in Europe - challenges for employment policy and trade union activities
Gerhard Bosch, Alexandra Wagner
págs. 392-414
Steffen Lehndorff
págs. 415-434
págs. 435-455
Call-centre work: specific characteristics and the challenges of work organisation
Claudia Weinkopf
págs. 456-466
págs. 467-478
Developments in household services in Europe: working conditions and labour relations
Sue Yeandle
págs. 479-492
Thomas Haipeter
págs. 493-503
Florence Jany Catrice, Steffen Lehndorff
págs. 504-520
Ver.di - the controversy over external relations
Berndt Keller
págs. 521-527
Launch of virtual union for �labour market nomads� in Norway
Jon Erik Dolvik
págs. 527-528
págs. 528-529
págs. 529-530
The unions for atypical workers in Italy
Giovanna Fullin
págs. 531-535
The Professional Footballers' Union and the Portuguese social security regime
Maria Luisa Cristovam
págs. 535-536
págs. 536-540
New landmark in the EU social dialogue: the telework agreement
Stefan Clauwaert
págs. 540-543
Staff development to secure the future: the IG Metall trainee programme
Joachim Beerhorst, Rainer Gröbel, Susanne Scholtyssek
págs. 543-547
págs. 550-553
What future for social security?
Maria Jepsen
págs. 553-556
Why deregulate labour markets?
Ben Valkenburg
págs. 557-558
Henri Lourdelle
págs. 561-562
págs. 563-564
�EMU 2010� Summer School of the ETUC Employment Committee, Rüno Sweden, 29 June-2 July 2002
Andrew Watt
págs. 564-567