Impact of legal culture and legal transplants on the evolution of the U.S. legal system
Louis F. Del Duca, A. A. Levasseur
págs. 1-29
Religion and the secular state
Catherine M.A. McCauliff
págs. 31-49
Religion, science and the secular state: Creationism in American public schools
Gene R. Shreve
págs. 51-58
The complexity of sources of trans-national law: United States report
William Ewald
págs. 59-67
Catastrophic harm in United States law: Liability and insurance
págs. 69-95
The law of surrogate motherhood in the United States
Carla Spivack
págs. 97-114
págs. 115-133
Consumer protection in transnational contexts
Jacques deLisle, Elizabeth Trujillo
págs. 135-164
The Louisiana and Oregon codifications of choice-of-law rules in context
James A. R. Nafziger
págs. 165-193
Cost and fee allocation in civil procedure
James R. Maxeiner
págs. 195-221
Margaret Rosso Grossman
págs. 223-255
págs. 257-283
Corporate governance part II: Accountability rules
Franklin A. Gevurtz
págs. 285-293
págs. 295-321
Financial leasing of equipment in the law of the United States
Peter W. Schroth
págs. 323-351
Insurance law between business law and consumer law
Jeffrey E. Thomas
págs. 353-367
The balance of copyright in the United States of America
Peter B. Maggs
págs. 369-376
Stephen G. Wood, Mary Anne Q. Wood, Stephen Q. Wood, Rachel A. Asbury
págs. 377-406
págs. 407-435
págs. 437-453
International law in the legal system of the United States
Paul R. Dubinsky
págs. 455-503
págs. 505-531
Universal human rights in the law of the United States
M. N. S. Sellers
págs. 533-553
Dominique Custos, John C. Reitz
págs. 555-584
págs. 585-604
Corporate criminal liability in the United States: Is a new approach warranted?
Ved P. Nanda
págs. 605-630
págs. 631-658
Law and cybercrime in the United States today
Salil K. Mehra
págs. 659-685