A dedication to professor P. John Kozyris
Symeon C. Symeonides
págs. 221-226
Choice of law in the American Courts in 2009: Twenty-third annual survey
Symeon C. Symeonides
págs. 227-306
Private international law bibliography 2008-09: U.S. foreign sources in english
Symeon C. Symeonides
págs. 307-317
Private international law scholarship in Africa (1884-2009) - A selected bibliography
Richard Frimpong Oppong
págs. 319-342
A casse-based assessment of the draft common frame of reference
Luisa Antoniolli, Francesca Fiorentini, James Gordley
págs. 343-358
Rights, security and conflicting international obligations: Exploring inter-jurisdictional judicial dialogues in Europe
Fiona de Londras, Suzanne Kingston
págs. 359-413
The discursive failure in comparative tax law
Omri Y. Marian
págs. 415-470
Richard Hyland, Gifts: A study in comparative law
Hans W. (Wolfgang) Baade
págs. 471-474
Antonio Padoa Schioppa, Storia del diritto in Europa dal medioevo all'età contemporanea
James A. Brundage
págs. 474-477
James Gordley foundations of private law: Property, tort, contract, unjust, enrichment
Michele Graziadei
págs. 477-486
John H. Langbein, Renëe Lettow Lerner, and Bruce P. Smith (eds). Hystory of the common law: The development of anglo-american legal institutions
R. H. Helmholz
págs. 486-489
Johanna Niemi, Iain Ramsay and William C. Whitford, eds. Consumer credit, debt & bankruptcy: Comparative and international perspectives
Lynn M. LoPucki
págs. 489-494