Idiosyncratic volatility and stock returns: a cross country analysis
Kuntara Pukthuanthong-Le, N. Visaltanachoti
págs. 1269-1281
Corporate social responsibility and stock market performance
Leonardo Becchetti, Rocco Ciciretti
págs. 1283-1293
Decisions of domestic equity fund investors: determinants and search costs
Luis Ferruz Agudo, Cristina Ortiz, José Luis Sarto Marzal
págs. 1295-1304
Modelling skewness and elongation in financial returns: the case of exchange-traded funds
Sanjiv Jaggia, Alison Kelly-Hawke
págs. 1305-1316
Efficiency and productivity of Greek banks in the EMU era
G. Chortareas, Claudia Girardone, Alexia Ventouri
págs. 1317-1328
págs. 1329-1343
Pragmatic problems in using beta for managerial finance applications
Elvan Aktas, Wm R. McDaniel
págs. 1345-1354
págs. 1355-1363
págs. 1365-1370
págs. 1371-1381
págs. 1383-1390
Order imbalance, market returns and volatility: evidence from Thailand during the Asian crisis
N. Visaltanachoti, Robin Luo
págs. 1391-1399
Jochen Papenbrok, Svetlozar T. Rachev, Markus Höchstötter, F.J. Fabozzi
págs. 1401-1416
págs. 1417-1432
Ian Fraser, Heather Tarbert, Kai Hong Tee
págs. 1433-1438
Is there a puzzle in the failure of venture capital backed portfolio companies?
Khaled Abdou, Oscar Varela
págs. 1439-1452
Ownership structure and the separation of voting and cash flow rights-evidence from Switzerland
Markus Schmid
págs. 1453-1476
págs. 1477-1485
págs. 1487-1496
Central bank intervention and exchange rate volatility in Pakistan: an analysis using GARCH-X model
Muhammad Kashif Ali Shah, Zulfiqar Hyder, Muhammad Khalid Pervaiz
págs. 1497-1508
Spillover effects from London and Frankfurt to Central and Eastern European stock markets
Barry Harrison, Wiston Moore
págs. 1509-1521