The Union, the Member States and international agreements
págs. 1-7
Constitutional review of EU law after Honeywell: Contextualizing the relationship between the German Constitutional Court and the EU Court of Justice
Mehrdad Payandeh
págs. 9-38
Of ages in � and edges of � EU law
Elise Muir
págs. 39-62
The validity and applicability of international investment agreements between EU Member States under EU and international law
Angelos Dimopoulos
págs. 63-93
European consumer protection law: Curia semper dabit remedium?
Erwin Beysen, Verica Trstenjak
págs. 95-124
European company law 1999-2010: Renaissance and crisis
John Armour, Wolf-Georg Ringe
págs. 125-174
Joined Cases C-501, 513, 515 & 519/06 P, GlaxoSmithKline Services Unlimited v. Commission, Judgment of the Court of Justice (Third Chamber) of 6 October 2009, [ECR] I-9291.
Sven B. Völcker
págs. 175-188
Case C-45/08, Spector Photo Group NV, Chris Van Raemdonck v. Commissie voor het Bank-, Financie- en Assurantiewezen (CBFA), Judgment of the European Court of Justice (Third Chamber) of 23 December 2009
Martin Böse
págs. 189-201
Case C-310/08 London Borough of Harrow v. Nimco Hassan Ibrahim and Secretary of State for the Home Department, Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 23 February 2010; Case C-480/08 Maria Teixeira v. London Borough of Lambeth and Secretary of State for the Home Department, Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 23 February 2010
Charlotte O�Brien
págs. 203-225
Case C-154/08, Commission v. Spain, Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 12 November 2009, not yet reported
Manuel López Escudero
págs. 227-242
Case C-117/06, Proceedings brought by Gerda Möllendorf and Christiane Möllendorf-Niehuus, Judgment of the European Court of Justice (Second Chamber) of 11 October 2007, [2007] ECR I-8361; Case C-340/08, M & Others v. Her Majesty�s Treasury, Judgment of the European Court of Justice (Fourth Chamber) of 29 April 2010, nyr; Case C-550/09, Criminal Proceedings Against E & F, Judgment of the European Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) of 29 June 2010
Cian C. Murphy
págs. 243-264
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