Employer's Use of Social Networking Sites: A Socially Irresponsible Practice
Leigh A. Clark, Sherry J. Robert
págs. 507-525
Fair Trade Consumption: In Support of the Out-Group.
Caroline Josephine Doran
págs. 527-541
A New Framework Integrating Environmental Effects into Technology Evaluation.
Shiu-Wan Hung, Shih-Chang Tseng
págs. 543-556
Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee�Company Identification.
Hae-Ryong Kim, Moonkyu Lee, Hyoung-Tark Lee, Na-Min Kim
págs. 557-569
Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Firm Performance of Indian Companies?
Supriti Mishra, Damodar Suar
págs. 571-601
Predictor of Business Students� Attitudes Toward Sustainable Business Practices.
Eddy S. Ng, Ronald J. Burke
págs. 603-615
págs. 617-640
Matthew Lee, Jillian Kohler
págs. 641-658
Social Responsibility and the Olympic Games: The Mediating Role of Consumer Attributions.
Matthew Walker, Bob Heere, Milena M. Parent, Dan Drane
págs. 659-680