Philip Faulkner, Clive Lawson, Jochen Runde
págs. 1-16
págs. 17-26
Albert Borgmann
págs. 27-36
Marxism and the critique of social rationality: from surplus value to the politics of technology.
Andrew Feenberg
págs. 37-50
págs. 51-62
How is technology made? - That is the questions!
Wiebe E. Bijker
págs. 63-76
págs. 77-90
Tim Ingold
págs. 91-102
Marcia-Anne Dobres
págs. 103-114
What's special about human technology?
Robert Aunger
págs. 115-124
The sociomateriality of organisational life: considering technology in management research.
Wanda J. Orlikowski
págs. 125-142
Feminist theories of technology.
Judy Wajcman
págs. 143-152
Technology and economic theory.
J. Stanley Metcalfe
págs. 153-172
On the nature of technologies: Knowledge, procedures, artifacts and production inputs.
Giovanni Dosi, Marco Grazzi
págs. 173-184
págs. 185-202
págs. 203-212
págs. 213-222