Models of electoral system change
Kenneth Benoit
págs. 363-389
Federico Ferrara
págs. 391-413
Internet use and the 2000 presidential election
Stephen J. Farnsworth, Diana Owen
págs. 415-429
A quadruple whammy for first-past-the-post
Adrian Blau
págs. 431-453
How good are voters at sorting out the weakest candidate in their constituency?
André Blais, Mathieu Turgeon
págs. 455-461
From a two-party-plus to a one-party-plus?: Ideology, vote choice, and prospects for a competitive party system in Canada
Thomas J. Scotto, Laura B. Stephenson, Allan Kornberg
págs. 463-483
Explaining voter turnout rates in new democracies: Guatemala
Fabrice Edouard Lehoucq, David L. Wall
págs. 485-500
Voter turnout in politically homogeneous and dichotomous contexts: A comparison of two electoral systems
Kimmo Grönlund
págs. 501-524
Automatic model selection: a new instrument for social science
David F. Hendry, Hans-Martin Krolzig
págs. 525-544