Evaluating rival forecasting models of the 2005 general election in Britain: An encompassing experiment
Paul Whiteley
págs. 581-588
One electorate or many?: Differences in party preference formation between new and established European democracies
Wouter van der Brug, Mark Franklin, Gábor Tóka
págs. 589-600
Turnout around the globe: The influence of electoral institutions on national voter participation, 1972-2000
James W. Endersby, Jonathan T. Krieckhaus
págs. 601-610
Local context and extreme right support in England: The British National Party in the 2002 and 2003 local elections
Benjamin Bowyer
págs. 611-620
Vote buying and violence in Nigerian election campaigns
Michael Bratton
págs. 621-632
The political cost of taxation: New evidence from German popularity ratings
Benny Geys, Jan Vermeir
págs. 633-648
Policy-based voting, perceptions of issue space, and the 2000 Mexican elections
Elizabeth J. Zechmeister
págs. 649-660
Economic and political effects on European Parliamentary electoral turnout in post-communist Europe
Christine Fauvelle-Aymar, Mary Stegmaier
págs. 661-672
Whose absentee votes are returned and counted: The variety and use of absentee ballots in California
R. Michael Alvarez, Thad E. Hall, Betsy Sinclair
págs. 673-683
Miller's example of the butterfly effect under STV
I. David Hill
págs. 684-686
págs. 687-698
Competition & turnout: the majority run-off as a natural experiment
Indridi H. Indridason
págs. 699-710
Partisans or independents?: Evidence for campaign targets from elite interviews in Spain
Jeremy J. Albright
págs. 711-722
págs. 723-731
págs. 732-739