Speeding up the preliminary reference procedure - Fast but not too fast
Panos Koutrakos
págs. 617-618
"European constitutional settlement", an ever-closer union, and the Treaty of Lisbon: Democracy or relevance?
Jukka Snell
págs. 619-642
Real links, abstract rights and false alarms: The relationship between the ECJ's "real link" case law and national solidarity
Charlotte O'Brien
págs. 643-665
Primary law and policy in EU external relations - Moving away from the big picture
págs. 666-686
Fine-tuning European copyright law to strike a balance between the rights of owners and users
Marcella Favale
págs. 687-708
Lisbon and the federal order of competences: A prospective analysis
Robert Schütze
págs. 709-722
Cross-border educational mobility and the exportation of student financial assistance
Michael Dougan
págs. 723-738
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you: Willy Kempter and the duty to raise EC law in national litigation
Angela Ward
págs. 739-754
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