Aija Leiponen
págs. 303-323
págs. 325-339
Imperfect price discrimination in a vertical differentiation model
Konstantinos Serfes
págs. 341-354
págs. 355-379
Symmetric research joint ventures: Cooperative substitutes and complements
J. Peter Neary, Dermot Leahy
págs. 381-397
Exit from regional manufacturing markets: The role of entrant experience
Mark J. Roberts, Shawn D. Klimek, Timothy Dunne
págs. 399-421
Gerrit de Wit
págs. 423-450
Truly costly sequential search and oligopolistic pricing
Matthijs R. Wildenbeest, Maarten C . W. Janssen, José L. Moraga-González
págs. 451-466
Absorptive capacity and connectedness: Why competing firms also adopt identical R&D approaches
Lars Wiethaus
págs. 467-481
Heidrun C. Hoppe, Emre Ozdenoren
págs. 483-503