Peer C. Fiss, Edward J. Zajac
págs. 501-534
Why Are Some Organizations More Competitive Than Others? Evidence from a Changing Global Market
William P. Barnett, David G. McKendrick
págs. 535-571
Nelson P. Repenning, Paul R. Carlile, Laura J. Black
págs. 572-607
Joseph P. Broschak
págs. 608-640
págs. 641-647
Back-Alley Banking: Private Entrepreneurs in China
Prescott C. Ensign
págs. 648-651
págs. 651-654
págs. 655-659
Damon J. Phillips
págs. 659-661
P. Devereaux Jennings
págs. 661-665
Third-Sector Development: Making up for the Market
Stuart L. Hart
págs. 665-666
Knowledge and Competitive Advantage: The Coevolution of Firms, Technology and National Institutions
Olav Sorenson
págs. 666-668
Misbehavior in Organization: Theory, Research, and Management
Daniel Skarlicki
págs. 668-671
págs. 672-673
págs. 678-679