Rose Rahmidani, Dessi Susanti, Armiati ., Yuhendri Leo Vrista
Purpose: This study's goal is to ascertain how entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation affect Micro Small and Medium-sized Enterprises’ marketing performance (MSMEs).
Theoretical Framework: Entrepreneurial Marketing is used to empower the creative industries as marketing and entrepreneurship are crucial in driving innovation, introducing new products, creating new ventures, and promoting economic development - all of which are key activities in the creative industries.
Design/Methodology/Approach: To achieve the objectives of this study, the quantitative approaches were utilized. The population of interest was Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) engaged in Embroider and Stitching located in West Sumatra Province, and a purposive sampling technique was employed to select the sample for this study. Multiple statistical techniques were employed for data analysis, including SPSS and Partial Least Square (PLS) for Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis.
Findings: The study's results indicate that Entrepreneurial Orientation has a positive impact on Marketing Performance. Additionally, Entrepreneurial Orientation has a positive impact on Market Orientation, and Market Orientation has a positive impact on Marketing Performance. Furthermore, Entrepreneurial Orientation has a positive impact on both Market Orientation and Marketing Performance.
Research, Practical, and Social Implications: This study offers theoretical and practical implications for improving the marketing performance of the Embroidery and Stitching industry in West Sumatra Province by applying Entrepreneurial Marketing, through the integration of local cultural values, it is expected that the competitiveness of the region will improve. The expectation is that government policy programs will subsequently stimulate the creative industry's growth in West Sumatra Province.
Originality/Value: This study examines the impact of Entrepreneurial Marketing on marketing performance, while previous studies have examined its impact on the financial performance of SMEs.