El presente trabajo analiza, partiendo de la difícil aproximación a la noción de innovación social, las consecuencias prácticas derivadas de esta respecto de la calificación del método docente e investigador en Derecho Administrativo, toda vez que este permite configurar la aproximación a una toma de decisiones que debe incorporar elementos de innovación en el contexto actual.
Se parte, para ello, de una aproximación clásica para apuntar nuevos retos que desde la innovación social en el ámbito universitario merecen ser repensados.
This paper deals with the concept of Social Innovation in our networked society and its practical consequences which lead us to the issues connected with the implementation of proper methogology to achieve a good research and teaching of Administrative Law. Thus, the methodological question allows us to approach and understand the decision process in Administrative Law, and its projection within the University System. In order to introduce these questions we address the topic from a classical perspective to propose afterwards to the challenge that social innovation brings in the University throughout the teaching and researching methogologies. This last remark is explore in a preliminary way opening the floor for future research on the topic.