María José Velasco Gómez, Beatriz Álvarez-González
Esta investigación analiza las diferencias, por sexo, de adolescentes de 1º y 2º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), respecto a dos tipos de violencia: violencia reactiva y violencia instrumental (VR-VI). Se ha tratado de determinar la influencia de los sesgos culturales en la tolerancia de dichos comportamientos violentos, según el género de quien agrede. Constituyen la muestra 771 estudiantes de 5 Institutos públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid (CAM). Se han aplicado análisis cuantitativos sobre los datos del cuestionario “Violencia Reactiva e Instrumental y su relación con el Autocontrol en Adolescentes”. Se constata la necesidad de superar tópicos y sesgos culturales en la violencia escolar, para incrementar la eficacia de la prevención e intervención frente a la violencia y mejorar el clima de convivencia cotidiana en el aula.
This research study analyzes the differences, based on gender, of adolescents in a sample of 1st and 2nd year of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO). Two types of violence are compared: reactive and instrumental violence (RV-IV). The main objective was to determine the influence of gender bias in tolerance of such violent behavior, according to the gender of the person assaulted. The research sample evaluated consisted of 771 students in 1st-2nd year of ESO from 5 state secondary schools in the Community of Madrid (CAM). The work carried out focused mainly on quantitative analysis on data from the questionnaire “Reactive and Instrumental Violence and its Relationship with the Self-control in Adolescents”. The results show the need to overcome stereotypes and gender biases in school violence, to increase the effectiveness of prevention and response to violence, as well as to improve daily classroom climate.