El presente trabajo analiza, como paradigmático, el drama vocacional del poeta Luis Cernuda, estudiante de Derecho y, a la postre, licenciado perplejo ante el encauzamiento de su vida por alguna de las vías profesionales que le abría su titulación, ajenas todas ellas a sus más íntimas inclinaciones… Además, con una sucinta mirada sobre el desenvolvimiento universitario de aquellos otros miembros de la Generación del 27 que cursaron Derecho, se amplia el campo de visión hasta completar acaso una interesante panorámica del fenómeno.
The present work analyses, as a paradigm, the vocational conflict of the poet Luis Cernuda. He was a student of Law who, ironically on graduating, was confounded by the way his life was directed down one of the very paths that his studies had opened up for him; all these paths being alien to his most heartfelt inclinations... Furthermore, we broaden the scope of this work with a succinct look at the Univeristy progress of those others of the Generation of 27 who studied Law;
and thus give, perhaps, an interesting insight into this phenomenon.