Carlos Benito Amat
Eight search engines (AltaVista, EnlaWeb, Lycos, Olé/Terra, Ozú, Sol, Ya and Yahoo) were evaluated in terms of the Spanish web space and their performance in retrieving information from this space. Indicators chosen were their relative coverage, specific offering, proportion of dead links and accessibility of Spanish websites. Performance was determined by relative recall and precision in retrieval during the first quarter in 2003. Search topics and relevance of results were determined by the end users. 12,4% of the searches led to dead links and 76% of the pages were returned by only a single system. System performance, expressed in terms of recall ranged from 7% (AltaVista) to 14% (Ozú) and precision between 9% (Sol) and 30% (Ozú). Only Yahoo displayed typical inverse relationship between recall and precision figures. The rest of the systems invariably showed an increase in precision figures starting with the second or third search result, suggesting problems with the sorting algorithm.